quarta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2010

Letter to the Editor

Mr(s). Editor,

I write you concerning the article titled “Atriz diz que assistente acusada de envenená-la é psicopata published in the journalistic section of the website you manage.

After reading it very attentively, I could notice some mistakes and information that could be given in a better way in order to grant more serious status to your product. First of all, I want to call your attention to the name of the actress Gabriela Spanic. I think you don’t have a close relationship to call her by a nickname such as Gaby, and even if you did, I don’t think this kind of reference could bring your website a good image.

Moreover, I, as a Translation Course’s student whose one of the studying languages is Spanish, feel the obligation to advert you that the word “asistenta” is “maid” and not “assistant” as your virtual newspaper showed us. Of course you could keep the literacy translation, but it seems that this translation was made with no attention and no knowledge of Spanish language.

 Still considering the translation presented, some fragments sounded artificial, accusing that the one who translated it has done a bad work.

Besides what has been presented above, I verified misspelled words ­– “inteligante” – and unnecessary terms – “Sinto que que alguém…” -, which confirms what I complain here: lack of attention at writing the text.

Although many errors reported, I found your article impartial and I liked the way you presented the case, showing that the maid is only a suspect and not the guilty of the murder attempt. I hope you can receive the suggestions well in order to improve your website’s quality and require more attention at reviewing texts.

Yours truly,




Source article: http://noticias.terra.com.br/mundo/noticias/0,,OI4692169-EI8140,00-Atriz+diz+que+assistente+acusada+de+envenenala+e+psicopata.html

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