quarta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2010

Newspaper Story - Beatriz Reis

The sleepwalking thief

            For several weeks the citizens of Crookston, in Minnesota, have been puzzled by the vegetables that were missing every morning at the only market in town. They were extremely intrigued by the fact that every day at least a whole sack of tomatoes was just gone, and nobody knew how it happened, or who could be responsible for the thefts, for the city was always peaceful and secure.
            “We never considered it could be anyone from Crookston. I mean, everybody knows each other here, there was no way it could have been one of us”, said Mary Parker, the owner of the robbed market.
            The gossip about the thefts was spreading, and Parker was about to fasten her place a few more padlocks, when one night Harold Goldman, 53, was found in his basement peeling hundreds of carrots at 3 a.m., dressed in his pajamas. His wife was shocked by the scene, and before waking him up, she is sure to have heard him exclaim, “A very, very good soup for everyone!”
            The mystery was then solved when all the vegetables, which had been stolen during the night by a sleepwalking Goldman, were found in his house. But nobody knows yet how he managed to get into Parker’s market, not even the thief himself. “I never knew I was a sleepwalker. I don’t even remember dreaming about a soup!” he attested, blushing slightly. He paid everything his dreams owned to Mary Parker and became the newest myth around the city. Goldman is the owner of Crookston’s book store, and he is considered to be a beloved person to everyone in town. Being a sleepwalker only added to the affection of the other citizens towards him.

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